fredag 24 juni 2011

The Follow följer dig till en ny värld

Jag har fått ett notecard från The Follow (som gjorde succe för en vecka sen med en spelning på svensk SL-mark). De bjuder in alla som vill till den virtuella världen SpotON3D och deras spelning där:

Hey friends! The Follow has an exciting opportunity to perform in the virtual world of SpotON3D and the band would love for you to be there too!

The show is THIS Friday June 24th at 1pm PT (or SLT) so we wanted to give you a heads up so you can get your AV up and rolling. Just go to and get your Free4Ever account so you are ready for the cool field trip to another world!

There are friendly people there to show you around and help you with whatever you need. We have been impressed by their hospitality and the usability of this web world. You can even download a custom Phoenix viewer for SpotOn3D that also works for Second Life.

When it's time for the show, just log into the world and you will be greeted by people and posters steering your towards Flyin High Rock Club where we will be performing. See you there!

-AJ, Powers, & Troy - the follow

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